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Prayer and Praise: July/August

And I am sure of this, that He who began a good work in you will bring it to completion at the day of Jesus Christ. Philippians 1:6

Last year one of our summer missionaries had the opportunity to lead a boy to Christ. This summer that same summer missionary got to teach that club again and saw the boy that he had counseled the year before. As the invitation to receive Christ was being given by another teacher the boy leaned over to our summer missionary and whispered, "I did that last year, it was the best day of my life!"

Sometimes, after a child has received Christ as their Savior I wonder, how will they continue to grow? Did they truly understand? Will they forget and and become like the seeds planted in the parable that didn't bear fruit? But God reminded me that he will continue sanctify them as he does me. In the words of the apostle Paul, "And I am sure of this, that He who began a good work in you will bring it to completion at the day of Jesus Christ."


  • For the many children that heard the gospel this summer in our area and our state.

  • For the hard work of our 5 summer missionaries, and their perseverance through a long summer in the midst of spiritual warfare and long hot days.

  • The safety that God provided for all the children, summer missionaries, and staff this summer.

  • The opportunity to rest and prepare for a new season of ministry.

  • The many hosts that opened up their homes and were passionate about sharing the gospel.


  • Please pray for the children that heard the gospel this summer, that God would cause the seeds that were planted to bear fruit and that He would bring to completion the good work He began in them.

  • Please pray that God would provide all that is necessary as we transition to our school year Good News Club ministry. That God would bring children to the clubs and volunteers to teach them.

  • Please pray that God would help us as we prepare for our fall fundraiser banquet and bring people to attend.

  • Please pray that God would continue to provide for the ministry financially and that we would be able to continue to expand and reach more areas with the Gospel.


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