Fundraiser Banquet for the Great River Chapter.
October 14th - Doors open at 6:00 - Dinner served at 6:30
Buffalo Covenant Church
1601 MN-25 Buffalo MN 55313
Since January the Great River Chapter has gone through numerous changes. Our former director, Kim Davison, stepped down from her position. Our borders changed to include four new counties, and to no longer include three counties where we were established. Katherine Strand and I (Hannah Davison) took over as leadership in this area. Because we no longer have some of the established counties that we previously had we struggled to find volunteers for our summer ministry. I am new to this position of leadership in CEF and as we were going into the summer I was very worried that we would not be able to minister to kids as effectively as we had before. I was afraid that I would lose track of the many details that I needed to keep track of in order to coordinate all the 5-Day Clubs and summer missionary schedules. But despite all of the changes and new things and challenges we faced God has continually shown his faithfulness. Our four summer missionaries stepped up and stepped out of their comfort zones to share the gospel with children and adults. Throughout the summer their passion and sincere desire to serve God humbled and challenged me. I watched as these summer missionaries continually sacrificed their time, their comfort, and their desires to reach kids with the gospel.

Fall Fundraiser
Come hear the stories that these teens have to share, and hear how you can support this ministry. We need your financial support to be able to continue ministering to the children in the Great River area. We are holding a fundraiser Banquet October 14th at Buffalo Covenant Church.
Come and hear from the summer missionaries how they saw God work through them this summer. Hear how God is changing lives in and through CEF here in Minnesota!
If you can’t make it to the Banquet you can still donate online by clicking the button below.